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Full text of "BSTJ 62: 7. September 1983: Total Network Data System: Introduction. (Schenker, L.)"

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Vol. 62, No. 7, September 1983 
Printed in U.S.A. 

Total Network Data System: 


(Manuscript received April 18, 1983) 

Since the earliest days of telephony telephone traffic measurements 
have been needed to determine the proper quantities of circuits, 
operators, and switching systems. In this context "proper" is defined 
as the efficient and effective utilization of operating factors that 
provide good service to customers at the lowest possible cost. 

The Total Network Data System (TNDS), comprising thirteen 
different operations systems, is a very large, complex, coordinated set 
of computer systems developed by Bell Laboratories and now used 
throughout the Bell Operating Companies. The systems that comprise 
the Total Network Data System collect, validate, process, archive, and 
retrieve the traffic data required to fill the entire spectrum of user 
needs, from near-real-time network management and performance 
monitoring, through weekly/monthly provisioning and administration, 
to long-range engineering and planning. The TNDS maintains inter- 
faces with the many telecommunications systems, as well as with 
operations systems such as the Central Office Equipment Engineering 
System (COEES), which depend on traffic data. 

As the size and complexity of the telephone network expanded, a 
need evolved for larger quantities of more accurate and timely traffic 

* Bell Laboratories. 

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data. Early measurements of busy equipment were made manually 
(switch counts, peg counts, etc.) and processed with the aid of desk 
calculators. The mechanical registers of the 1940s and 1950s evolved 
into camera register recorders and traffic usage recorders, which 
partially automated the process. In the mid-1960s, data were being 
keypunched and then summarized and processed on the large billing 
computers already in use by comptrollers' organizations. In the early 
1970s the advent of the minicomputer facilitated on-line data collec- 
tion and real-time processing to support such functions as network 
management. By the mid-1970s, a variety of computer systems col- 
lected and processed traffic data to support trunk and switching 
engineering, administration, and network management. These systems 
have evolved into a tightly coupled family of operations systems, 
TNDS, which have been implemented and updated in all the Bell 
Operating Companies. The systems operate on dedicated minicom- 
puters and large general -purpose computers. The TNDS collects, 
processes, and utilizes traffic data to provide excellent, efficient, 
economical telephone service. 

The TNDS was developed, used, and enhanced during the thirteen 
years from 1969 to the present. It has become an indispensable element 
of Bell operating activity. Without the extensive mechanization pro- 
vided by the TNDS, it is inconceivable that we could have accommo- 
dated the explosive network growth, reconfiguration, and churning. 
Without the TNDS, operating and investment costs would have risen 
and service would have been degraded. 

This special issue of the Journal addresses the TNDS from many 
points of view. The first two articles describe the TNDS environment 
and objectives and outline the system plan. The third article describes 
the conceptual framework and theory upon which the TNDS is built. 
The eight succeeding, more detailed, articles describe the functions 
performed by the TNDS and the component operations systems that 
have been developed to support these functions. The final article, 
prepared by an employee of Southern Bell, describes the TNDS from 
an operating telephone company perspective. 

As we contemplate the future, we envision continued evolution in 
two areas: Modifications will be required to keep pace with new 
services and new technology, to provide interfaces with new telecom- 
munications equipment, and to facilitate new network requirements 
(such as Dynamic Non-Hierarchical Network Routing); and enhance- 
ments will be needed to improve efficiency and make the systems user- 
friendly. These enhancements will include simplified architecture and 
new computing facilities, enhanced data communications among the 
TNDS elements, interactive update features, consolidation of record 
bases, and on-line user documentation. 


This special issue of The Bell System Technical Journal appears at 
an appropriate time — the end of an era. The individual articles reflect 
the way in which business was conducted prior to 1982. As a result of 
divestiture, responsibility for much of the TNDS will be transferred 
to the Central Services Organization, which will be owned and operated 
by the seven regional Bell Operating Companies. However, the TNDS 
will continue to provide the independent regional companies with 
primary traffic data in the future, as it has to the Bell System in the 
past, without, we hope, missing a beat during the transition. 


Leo Sehenker, B.S. (Civil Engineering), 1942, University of London; M.S., 
1950, University of Toronto; Ph.D., 1954, University of Michigan; Bell Labo- 
ratories, 1954—. After joining Bell Laboratories, Mr. Sehenker was involved 
in the development of telephone station equipment, including TOUCH- 
TONE® dialing and the TRIMLINE® phone. In 1968, he was promoted to 
Director of the Military Electronic Technology Laboratory in North Carolina 
and, in 1971, became Director of the Loop Maintenance Systems Laboratory, 
which was closely involved with the development of new software and hardware 
systems aimed at reducing the expense of maintaining the customer's tele- 
phone service. In 1978, he became Director of the Loop Systems Engineering 
and Methods Laboratory and, in 1979, he was made Director of the Customer 
Network Operations Systems Engineering Center. In 1980 Mr. Sehenker was 
appointed Executive Director of the Central Office Operations Division. 
Currently, he is Executive Director, Network Systems Planning Division. Mr. 
Sehenker has been awarded seven patents in connection with TOUCH-TONE 
dialing, PICTUREPHONE® meeting service, and TOUCH-A -MA TIC reper- 
tory dialer. Fellow, IEEE; member, Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi.